The Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, in association with Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) has instituted SWACHH BHARAT MISSION (URBAN) AWARDS 2015 to recognize, inspire and celebrate excellence in urban sanitation management. These awards are aimed at honoring urban local bodies, water boards and organizations that assist them in taking significant steps towards an effective sanitation management and effecting improvement in service delivery and achieve the goals of Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban).

Ministry of Urban Development Government of India 

Invites nominations for Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) Awards 2015

The Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, in association with Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) has instituted SWACHH BHARAT MISSION (URBAN) AWARDS 2015 to recognize, inspire and celebrate excellence in urban sanitation management. These awards are aimed at honoring urban local bodies, water boards and organizations that assist them in taking significant steps towards an effective sanitation management and effecting improvement in service delivery and achieve the goals of Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban). 

Award Categories: 

Innovative Practices in Improving Access 
• Solid Waste Management IEC and Public Awareness 
• Public Private Partnership 
• Innovative Financing • Innovative 0 & M 
▪ ICT in Urban Sanitation & Regulation

Eligibility: The awards would be open to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), Parastatal Agencies, Water Utilities and Boards, Non-Government Organizations, Community-based Organizations, Private-Sector Organizations, Bilateral and Multilateral Agencies in collaboration with ULBs.

The details of Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) Awards 2015 and Entry form may be downloaded from websir: Nomination should reach the address below on or before 26 November, 2015 Urban Governance Area Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) Bella Vista, Raj Bhavan Road, Hyderabad - 500 082. Phone: 040 - 66534221, Fax: 040 - 23316211

For any clarification or further information, please contact: Prof. Srinivas Chary Vedala, Ph: 040 - 66534221, Emai: schary@aschorg.m. Ms. D. Taara Rao, Ph: 040 - 66534249, Email: taaTaTatitirg.'m



NITIE Mumbai

(An autonomous tody under the Ministry of liRD. Govt. of India)

The above are two-year full time programmes approved by AICTE. For details please visit


Nominations are invited for award of KABI SAMRAT UPENDRA BHANJA NATIONAL AWARD FOR LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT IN LITERATURE, ART AND CULTURE to be awarded on the 50th Foundation Day (Golden Jubilee) Function of the University on 2nd January 2016. The award carries a cash Prize of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) only



Nominations are invited for award of KABI SAMRAT UPENDRA BHANJA NATIONAL AWARD FOR LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT IN LITERATURE, ART AND CULTURE to be awarded on the 50th Foundation Day (Golden Jubilee) Function of the University on 2nd January 2016. The award carries a cash Prize of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) only along with a citation and plaque and a robe of honour. Bio-DataICV of eminent literatures, artists and exponents of Indian Culture of National/International repute may be sent along with supporting documents. Self nominations or nominations submitted by the relative of the nominee shall not be considered. The nominations should reach the undersigned on or before 15.11.2015 by Speed/Registered Post only. Nominations received after due date shall not be considered. The University reserves the right to accept or reject any nomination without assigning any reason thereof.


Applications are invited for the appointment of Camp Director, NSD's TIE Wing, Agartala at Tripura purely on contractual basis. Tenure: One Year, which can be extended further as per NSD's requirement and performance of the incumbent. Consolidated Remuneration :Rs.50,000/- per month + Rs.5,000/- per month towards Station Allowance.

 (An autonomous Institution under Ministry of Culture. Govt. of India)


Applications are invited for the appointment of Camp Director, NSD's TIE Wing, Agartala at Tripura purely on contractual basis. Tenure: One Year, which can be extended further as per NSD's requirement and performance of the incumbent. Consolidated Remuneration :Rs.50,000/- per month + Rs.5,000/- per month towards Station Allowance. Upper Age: 57 Years Relaxation of age may be given for deserving candidates. Experience : Eminent person in the field of Dramatics Arts. Applicants may apply for the post on the prescribed Annlirntinn PrIrra available on NSD's official website  diving details of educational qualifications, experience, age etc. to the Director, National School of Drama, Bahawalpur House, Bhagwan Das Road. New Delhi — 110001 and also on Emai: registramsd@gmalicom %thin 30 days of publication di This advertisement


ABV-IIITM, Gwalior is a premier institute set up by theGovernment of India with the objective of imparting quality education and conducting research in the areas of Management and Information Technology. The Institute Is looking for bright candidates for MBA/MBA(ITeS)/MBA(PSM & e-Governance)

(An Autonomous Institute of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India)

Admission Notice for 2 Years Full-Time MBA Programmes (2016-2018) 
ABV-IIITM, Gwalior is a premier institute set up by theGovernment of India with the objective of imparting quality education and conducting research in the areas of Management and Information Technology. The Institute Is looking for bright candidates for following two years full-time management programmes: 

ii. MBA(ITeS) 
III. MBA(PSM & e-Governance) 

Eligibility: The Candidates must possess (i) valid CAT score, and (ii) First class bachelor degree in any branch of Engineering/Technology or first class master degree in Science. Operation Research, Computer Science, Economics or Commerce, with Mathematics or Statistics at the bachelor level. Students appearing in the final examination are alsoeligible toapply. A relaxation of 5 % in marks is provided to SC/ST candidates. The reservation is as per GOI norms. More information is available at 

Application Procedure: Candidates who fulfil the above stated eligibility criteria can apply to the above programmes at the ABV-IIITM, Gwalior, by filling an online application form and online application fee transfer, the details of which are provided at institute website. The application fees for General and OBC candidates is Rs 1000/- No fees for SC/ST/PH/Female applicants andIfiwaSStnid North East State applicants. 

The selection process will be held in the following places: Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chemed, Guwahati, Gwolior, Hyderabad, Kaikata, New Delhi, &dour, Ranch!, and Srinagar. Interested candidates may fill and submit online applications by 30" "^"..V 7015 rOf further details please visit the institute website Mere fulfilment of the eligibility criteria does not entail IheadrnBiion of any candidate in any of the management programmes.


Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd., (KPCL) intend to appoint required statutory mining staff on contract basis from among the retired officers of Ws. Western Coal Fields, Coal India Ltd., Mahanadi Coal Ltd., Singareni Coal Company Ltd., TATA Rd. Ltd., or retired officers of any mining company or any other Karnataka Government mining undertakings on consolidated Salary fora period of one year



Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd., (KPCL) intend to appoint required statutory mining staff on contract basis from among the retired officers of Ws. Western Coal Fields, Coal India Ltd., Mahanadi Coal Ltd., Singareni Coal Company Ltd., TATA Rd. Ltd., or retired officers of any mining company or any other Karnataka Government mining undertakings on consolidated Salary fora period of one year. 

1. Mine Manager
2. Safety Officer
 3. Blasting Officer
 4. Assistant Manager 
 5. Surveyor 
 6. Electrical Supervisor 

For more details please visit KPCL website: Interested Retired Officers mav submit their applications onmline.


UPES SCHOOL OF DESIGN STUDIES - UPES' School of Design Studies (SoDS) offers a diverse range of programs which ore not only contemporary, but also have o distinct vision for the future of design. Each program enables you to think outside the box and strive to create what has not been imagined before. Go ahead; Be empowered. Imagine, create, design your future with UPES.





Thanks to the ever increasing focus on innovation & creativity in the workplace, design thinking skills will be a key factor that will set apart the next generation of leaders in the fields of technology, business & education. With over 130 students currently enrolled, and now accepting applications for its fourth intake, UPES' School of Design Studies (SoDS) offers a diverse range of programs which ore not only contemporary, but also have o distinct vision for the future of design. Each program enables you to think outside the box and strive to create what has not been imagined before. Go ahead; Be empowered. Imagine, create, design your future with UPES.
BACHELOR OF DESIGN with specialization in • Product Design • Transportation Design DURATION 4 Years
BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS with specialization in • Digital Arts DURATION 4 Years
• Transportation Design • Industrial Design DURATION 2 Years
BDES/BFA 12' & 15' APRIL 2016 40 Personal Interview & Presentation 22' & 234 APRIL 2016 Last Dote to Register 4" APRIL 2016
MDES 19'" & 21' JANUARY 2016 Personal Interview & Presentation 28" & 29" JANUARY 2016 Lost Dote to Register : 10' JANUARY 2016
M. DES PLACEMENTS 2015 The first botch of M. Des Tronsportation Design graduates hove received job offers from industry majors such os General Motors, Volvo-Eicher, Fortune Cookies, and Elephant Design, among others.
For Eligibility & Selection Process visit www.upos.acin/SoDS2016
UPES SCHOOL OF DESIGN STUDIES, DEHRADUN0=1›. CAMPUS; Energy Acres, Bidholi, Dehrodun 248007 ENROLLMENT OFFICES: NEW DELHI 011.41730151, 9891770008 MUMBAI 022-67931912, 08652842525 AHMEDABAD 09974579750 KOLKATA 033-40632335/36 DEHRADUN 09557899090, 08410080040 PATNA 08873144753 DHANBAD 09471191241
EMAL design©
1800 102 8737 .{.


Applications are invited for the appointment on contract basisin for the post of Scientists in the office of the Council of Science &Technology, UP under Ihe project entitled "Patent Information Centre" funded by by Department of Science &Technology-Govt.of India

COUNCIL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, U. VIG VAN BEIAWAN 9-Nabiullah Road, Suraj Kund Park, Lucknow-226 018 Ph : 0522-2202452, 2284819 FAX : 0522-2611793 Applications in the office of the Information Centre"funded Advertisement No. 2/2015 are invited for the appointment on contract basis on following positions Council of Science &Technology, UP under Ihe project entitled "Patent by Department of Science &Technology.Govt.of India. A Post-01 Scientist-C 1. Pay Scale Rs. 15,600. Fts.39,1004 with Grade pay of Rs.6600/. Approximate Salary: Basic Pay Rs. 15600+Grade Pay (GP) 66001- + DA. + +CCAas per U.P. Gat mires. 2. Essential Qualification Master Degree in Science specifically in Physics. Chemistry / Bachelor Degree in EngineeringfTechrology first dass orequivalentgrade with four yearexperience in /Aanagement of Intellectual Property Rights. 3. Desirable Qualification 1. Doctorate in Science or Master Degree:! Engineerng. 2. PostGraduateDiploma ii Intellectual Property Rights. B Post-01 SclentIst-B 1. Pay Scale Rs.15,600- fts.39,1004 with Grade pay of Rs.54001- Approximate Salary: Basic Pay Rs. 15600 + Grade Pay (GP) 54001.. + DA + H.R.A. + CCAas per U.P. Gov'. rules. 2. Essential Qualification Master Degree in Science specifically n Physics, Chemistry / Bachelor Degree in Engineering? Technology first dass or equivalent grade with Ma year experience in Management of Intellectual Property Rights. If the Candidate is having the desirable qualification Mo years experience may beer,e0000 3. Desirable Qualification 1. Doctorate in Science or Master Degree in Engineering. 2. Post Graduate Ctloma in Intellectual Property Rights. C Post-01 Project Scientist i. Pay Scale (Rs.20,00014 p.m. for firsthvo years & Rs. 23,0000-for 3rd year) 2. Essential Qualification Ist Class Masters Degree in Soence specifically in Physics. Chemistry/ Bachelor Degree in Engineering/ Technology first dass or equivalent grade. 3. Desirable Qualification Oneyearexperience in Managementof IPR The costs are coterminous with the project i.e. upto 31.03.2017. The candidates se ected for app ointment will be required to join soon after selection. Those who have a piled before for above posts need not apply again as their candidature will be considered on their previous applications. No raa or bus fair will be paid to the candidates invited for interview. Application should be submitted within 15 days of me advertisement to the Director. COund of Science & Technology. UP.. 09 Natiullah Road. lf gyan Bhawen.ludmow 226016 accompanied by (1)Arecent Passport size photograph (2)Attested copies of at certificates and testimonials in respect of age (Age unit as per Govt. Rules), date of birth, qualifications. experience etc. (3)A crossed I.P.O. for Rs. 100/- (One hundred only) 0 favour of the Dinector, Council of Science & Technology. U.P. Lucknow. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate. DIRECTOR GENERAL


The National Institute of Biologicals, an autonomous Institute under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, is a premier Scientific Organization and a Centre of Excellence to ensure quality of vaccines and biologicals in the country. Applications are invited for the following posts on direct recruitment basis

(Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India) 

The National Institute of Biologicals, an autonomous Institute under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, is a premier Scientific Organization and a Centre of Excellence to ensure quality of vaccines and biologicals in the country. Applications are invited for the following posts on direct recruitment basis: 

1 Scientist Grade II Z15,600 - 39,100 + 7600 (GP) 45 yrs. 1 - 2 3 - 6 (Six) 

2 Scientist Grade III 215,600 - 39,100 + 5400 (GP) 35 yrs. - - 1 NH / OH 1 (One) 
3 Jr. Scientist 29,300 - 34,800 + 4600 (GP) 30 yrs. - 3 3 (Three)

The detailed advertisement is available in the Employment New / Rozgar Samachar dated 21-27 November, 2015 and also on the NIB website The application form can be downloaded from the said website.


Applications are invited for filling up the post of PRINCIPAL falling vacant from 1st May, 2016


Applications are invited for filling up the post of PRINCIPAL falling vacant from 1st May, 2016

Post: One post of PRINCIPAL- (UR) Category. 
Scale of Pay : Pay Band of PB - 4 Z 37400-67000 with Grade Pay 18700 with usual allowances as applicable to the Central Government employees, stationed at Kolkata, from time to time. 

Educational Qualifications : (i) Graduation from recognised University. 
(ii) Full time Degree/3 year diploma in Hotel Management from National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology / State Board of Technical Education / Recognized University securing not less than 50% marks in aggregate. For Graduates in Hotel Management, item No. (i) is not necessary. 

Experience(as on 01.05.2016): At least 25 years of experience in teaching and / or hotel industry including minimum 10 years as Head of Department in hotel operations related subject(s) in an Institute of Hotel Management affiliated to National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology / State Board of Technical Education / Recognised University.
At least 25 years of experience in teaching and / or hotel industry including minimum 10 years as Principal in a Food Craft Institute affiliated to national Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology.
Minimum 25 years Hotel industry experience including minimum 15 years in Managerial capacity in 4 star/ Heritage or above category approved hotel. 
Note : Hotel operations related subjects are: Food Production, Food and Beverage Service, Accommodation Operafions/ House keeping and Front Office. 

Age limit : Not exceeding 52 years (as on 01.05.2016). Upper age limit is relaxable up to 5 years in case of SC/ST and departmental candidates and as specified for other categories by Government of India from time to time. Under no circumstances the age should exceed 57 years. 

Persons working in Government / Semi Government / Autonomous / Quasi Government organization / PSU should submit their application Through Proper Channel along with ACR/s and vigilance clearance certificate issued by the appropriate authority from the date of joining in the present post (maximum last 5 years). No TA/DA is admissible for attending the interview. The post is non-pensionable & under the scheme of NPS. 

Interested candidate may download the application format from and send the duly filled application form enclosing attested copies of testimonials to reach Chairman, Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, P - 16, Taratala Road, Kolkata - 700088 - on or before 30th November, 2015. Applications - incomplete or late or without testimonials will be rejected. The competent authority reserves the right to cancel/re-release the advertisement. The competent authority also reserves the right to cancel / postpone the process of recruitment at any time without assigning any reason. Online applications will not be accepted. 


Apply Online for Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme, Rajasthan Online Scholarship System, Social Justice and Empowerment Department, Rajasthan


Applications are invited from eligible candidates for Amrita Entrance Examination - Engineering, for admissions to various B.Tech. Programmes offered at the three campuses, Sale of application starts on 02 November 2015 Last date for receiving application (Online/Orm) 21 March 2016 Computer based test 17,18 & 19 April 2016 Pen & Paper based test 23 April 2016


Amrita Schools of Engineering   

Amritapuri ▪ Bengaluru Coimbatore
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for Amrita Entrance Examination - Engineering, for admissions to various B.Tech. Programmes offered at the three campuses
Amrita Entrance Examination-Engineering 2016

Important Dates
Sale of application starts on 02 November 2015 

Last date for receiving application (Online/Orm) 21 March 2016 
Computer based test 17,18 & 19 April 2016 
Pen & Paper based test 23 April 2016

Apply Online 
Purchase application forms from 

• Designated Post Offices 
• Select branches of Dhanlaxmi Bank & Federal Bank 
• Admission Counters of Amrita Schools of Engineering at Amritapuri, Bengaluru and Coimbatore, on payment of 1000/- by demand draft favouring "Amrita School of Engineering", payable at Coimbatore. 
To get it by Post: Write to the Admissions Co-ordinator with a demand draft for Rs.1000/- favouring "Amrita School of Engineering", payable at Coimbatore. or Contact El 0422 2685 169 / 170 080 2518 3700 0476 2809 400 / 402 

For details of Post Offices, Bank Branches, Online/OMR 

Application & Entrance Examination Centres,

Eligibility Age: Candidates born on or after 1st.July 1995. 
Educational Qualification: A pass in 10+2 (class XII) or its equivalent securing an aggregate of 60% marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry with not less than 55% marks in each of these three subjects. (or) A three year Diploma in Engineering with minimum 60% marks, awarded by any State Board of Technical Education or itsequivalent. 
Note: Those appearing for the above examinations in March/April2016 may also apply.
Scholarship scheme for B.Tech. programmes 2016-17 

Tuition fee waiver 90%, 50% or 25% depending on the rank in AEEE. Also 90% fee waiver based on top ranks in State Board / CBSE / ICSE exams 2016.
Over 300 Beneficiaries
Details available in the handbook and website 

Advantage Amrita
Wi-Fi Connectivity in Campuses & Hostels •t• Choice based credit system • Elaborate life skills training •. Industrial collaboration for internship, funded projects etc. • Alliances with foreign universities for higher education & internship •,• Student participation in research projects & publications • In-house coaching for GMAT, CAT, GATE & GRE Hostels for boys & girls

Our recruiters include
Alcatel Lucent, Amazon, Bosch, Caterpillar, Cisco, Cognizant, Dell, Ericsson, Ford, Google, Honeywell, IBM, Infosys, L&T, Microsoft, National Instruments, Oracle, Philips, Renault Nissan, Samsung, TCS, Toyota, United Technologies, Verizon, Wipro, Zoho and many more


NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION MANAGEMENT (MANAGE) invites applications from Professionals on contract basis for teaching, research and consultancy for PGDM (ABM) students. Last date : 20m November, 2015

  (An Narkistion of the Ministry of Agricutture & Farmers Wedre. Govl. of India)
Rayandranagar. Hyderabad — 500 030

MANAGE invites applications from Professionals on contract basis for teaching, research and consultancy for PGDM (ABM) students. Last date : 20m November, 2015. Details can be seen Sd/- DIRECTOR (HRD)


Applications are invited from Indian citizens for admission to the Ph.D Programmes in ari the departments of NITK Surathkal for the Academic Year 2015-16 (December Session) under the category of full-time student with institute scholarship. Last date for receiving completed application along with the DD is 19.11.2015 - National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal

National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal

ADMISSION TO Ph.D. PROGRAMMES 2015.2016 (December Session) 

Applications are invited from Indian citizens for admission to the Ph.D Programmes in ari the departments of NITK Surathkal for the Academic Year 2015-16 (December Session) under the category of full-time student with institute scholarship. 

Last date for receiving completed application along with the DD is 19.11.2015 

For detailed advertisement. eligibility crnena. darmloadable application form, information brochure. etc.. visit our website


Central University of Karnataka requires faculties for Academic Departments Viz. Geology and Women's Studies Centre for the academic year 2015-16. The appointment will be on purely temporary basis, two Semester or till further arrangements made. whichever is earlier. Qualification: As per UGC norms. Interested candidates may attend Walk-In-Interview with detailed Bic-Data along with all original testimonials. For interview schedule and more details. please visit:



The University requires faculties for Academic Departments Viz. Geology and Women's Studies Centre for the academic year 2015-16. The appointment will be on purely temporary basis, two Semester or till further arrangements made. whichever is earlier. Qualification: As per UGC norms. Interested candidates may attend Walk-In-Interview with detailed Bic-Data along with all original testimonials. For interview schedule and more details. please visit:


Central University of Karnataka invites applications in the prescribed form are invited for teaching positions. The details of vacancies and qualifications and experience attached to the posts can be had from the website The last date for sale and receipt of filled in forms along with applicable fee by DD is 28/11/2015 up to 5:00 p.m. The eligibility criteria are minimum and the mere fact that candidates fulfil the same will not entitle them for being called for interview.




Applications in the prescribed form are invited for teaching positions. The details of vacancies and qualifications and experience attached to the posts can be had from the website The last date for sale and receipt of filled in forms along with applicable fee by DD is 28/11/2015 up to 5:00 p.m. The eligibility criteria are minimum and the mere fact that candidates fulfil the same will not entitle them for being called for interview. This University reserves the right to restrict such numbers based on higher qualification and experience or by any other condition it deems fit. It is open for this University to consider candidates who may not have applied but recommended by experts in their area. The number of vacancies are tentative and they could vary at the time of selection. It is open for this University to offer a lower post to candidates. In-service candidates should submit their applications through proper channel. Incomplete applications are liable to be summarily rejected. The statutory relaxation in age, experience in respect of SC/ST/OK PWDcaapipates as Pgr GOI/UGC
ogrine in force at ttle_bme of interview ibell be available to them. Candidates are advisedlo check the UGC  and relevant web sites for updates.


National Institute of Tourism & Hospitality Management Invites applications to work on contract basis for Director, Lecturer (Hospitality Skills Development), Lecturer (Housekeeping), Finance Officer

National Institute of Tourism & Hospitality Management
(Autonomous Institute promoted by Govt. of India and Govt. of Telangana)

Invites applications to work on contract basis for the following posts:
Lecturer (Hospitality Skills Development) 
Lecturer (Housekeeping) 
Finance Officer
The last date for receipt of applications has been extended U1'13-11-2015 The Institute reserves the right to moclifythe advertisement. not told, up any orailthe above posts. For further details and application visit


Online Time-Slot Booking System: For work specifically related to the issuance of Smart Card Driving Licenses for RTO offices in Lucknow, Kanpur, Allahabad, Varanasi, Agra and Ghaziabad, an online Time-Slot Booking System is being started to provide citizens of these cities the facility to reserve a prior appointment (time slot) online, and visit the transport office for applying for learner / permanent / renewal driving license on the date / time of their choice.

SARATHI software based Smart Card Driving Licenses (SCDL): Uttar Pradesh Transport Department is all set to start issuance of SARATHI software based Smart Card Driving Licenses on January 9, 2013. The first phase will cover transport offices of ten districts – Lucknow, Kanpur, Ghaziabad, Agra, Meerut, Jhansi, Allahabad, Barabanki, Varanasi and Aligarh. The remaining offices will be taken up in six successive phases whereby all transport offices will start issuance of Smart Card Driving Licenses by end-April, 2013.

Online Time-Slot Booking System: For work specifically related to the issuance of Smart Card Driving Licenses for RTO offices in Lucknow, Kanpur, Allahabad, Varanasi, Agra and Ghaziabad, an online Time-Slot Booking System is being started to provide citizens of these cities the facility to reserve a prior appointment (time slot) online, and visit

the transport office for applying for learner / permanent / renewal driving license on the date / time of their choice.


This page has been developed as a platform to give the discerning citizen clear guidelines through which he / she can apply for, and obtain Smart Card Driving License (SCDL) without the need to depend on any outside agency. Please follow the following steps and approach the concerned office with all requisite documents to obtain your SCDL quickly and hassle-free.

  • For your Learner License, please approach the RTO / ARTO office of only that city under whose jurisdiction your place of residence is located, and for where your address proof is being submitted with your DL application form.
  • For issuance of Permanent DL / renewal of expired DL / issuance of IDP / Conversion of valid DL into SCDL please apply only to the RTO / ARTO office from where the original Learner License / Permanent Driving License was previously issued.
  • For conversion of your valid DL into SCDL please come to the office from where it was issued, submit an application, attach your valid DL, pay the fees and have your biometrics captured.
Documents Required - 

Proof of Age (any one from out of the following)

1.        Voter ID Card

2.        LIC Policy

3.        School certificate

4.        Passport

5.        Birth Certificate

6.        Certificate granted by RMP, not below rank of Civil Surgeon
Proof of Residence (any one from out of the following)

1.        Life Insurance Policy

2.        Pass Port

3.        Voter ID Card

4.        Pay slip issued by any office in the Central/State or a local body

5.        Pension Pass Book

6.        Arms License

7.        ID card issued by Central / State govt

Fee - 
Grant of Learner’s License for each class of vehicle (on paper)
Rs 30.00
Permanent Driving License on Smart Card
Rs 200.00
International Driving Permit  (on paper)
Rs 500.00
 Renewal of Driving License on Smart Card
Rs 200.00
Driving test for each class of vehicle
Rs 50.00
Endorsement of new class of vehicle on Smart Card DL
Rs 200.00
Renewal of DL on Smart Card after expiry of grace period
Rs 200.00 + penalty @ Rs 50 per year or part thereof

 Download Form

Application form for grant of Learner’s License
Form 2 / Instructions in Hindi / English
Application Form for Permanent Driving License
Form 4 / Instructions in Hindi / English
Application Form for International Driving Permit
Application Form for renewal of Driving License
Form of Medical declaration / Medical certificate, to be attached, as required.

For online time slot booking, please Click Here
View Status of your Online Driving license Application - Click Here

Driving License in Agra, Driving License in Mathura, Driving License in Firozabad, Driving License in Meerut, Driving License in Etawah, Driving License in Kanpur, Driving License in Allahabad, Driving License in Lucknow, Driving License in Mugalsarai, Driving License in Varanasi, Driving License in Gorakhpur, Driving License in Aligarh, Driving License in Gaziabad, Driving License in Noida, Driving License in Saharanpur, Driving License in Muzaffarnagar, Driving License in Barabanki, Driving License in Deoria, Driving License in Mainpuri, Driving License in Kannauj, Driving License in Bewar, Driving License in Amethi, Driving License in Rampur, Driving License in Moradabad, Driving License in Gautam Buddha Nagar, Driving License in Auraiya, Driving License in Baghpat, Driving License in Balrampur, Driving License in Azamgarh, Driving License in Jaunpur, Driving License in Sitapur, Driving License in Bareilly, Driving License in Hardoi, Driving License in Kheri, Driving License in Sultanpur, Driving License in Bijnor, Driving License in Budaun, Driving License in Ghazipur, Driving License in Kushinagar, Driving License in Bulandshahar, Driving License in Gonda, Driving License in Rae Bareli, Driving License in Ballia, Driving License in Pratapgarh, Driving License in Unnao, Driving License in Shahjahanpur, Driving License in Maharajganj, Driving License in Fatehpur, Driving License in Siddharth Nagar, Driving License in Mirzapur, Driving License in Faizabad, Driving License in Basti,  Driving License in Ambedkar Nagar, Driving License in Mau, Driving License in Sant Ravidas Nagar, Driving License in Pilibhit, Driving License in Jhansi, Driving License in Chandauli, Driving License in Farrukhabad, Driving License in Sonbhadra, Driving License in Jyotiba Phule Nagar, Driving License in Banda, Driving License in Ramabai Nagar, Driving License in Etah, Driving License in Sant Kabir Nagar, Driving License in Jalaun, Driving License in Kaushambi, Driving License in Mahamaya Nagar, Driving License in Kanshiram Nagar, Driving License in Baghpat, Driving License in Lalitpur, Driving License in Shrawasti, Driving License in Hamirpur, Driving License in Mahoba, Driving License in

Web/ui Developer/designer - Photoshop/illustartor

    Design Tools:

    - Mastery of Photoshop, Illustrator and Fireworks.

    - Front end Technologies: In-depth knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3, and at least some Javascript.

    - Conceptual understanding of User Interface Design and the Design Process.

    - Excellent time-management, multi-tasking, and communication skills.

    Interested candidates send profiles


Qualification- Graduation in any Stream

Mind Valeur Solutions, CPM INDIA Sales Marketing Pvt Ltd., Career Define, ASAP Info Systems Pvt Ltd, Talenture Management Consulting, Amsparx IT Consulting Pvt. Ltd.

Applications are invited from Form Indian and Foreign Nationals for Design Aptitude Test (DAT) for the following programmes For information on eligibility, criteria, number of seats, test for centres, reservation policy and other relevant information related to admissions. please visit Bachelor of Design (B.Des.-4 years) at Ahmedabad. Master of Design (M.Des.-25 years) at Ahmedabad, Bengaluru and Gandhinagar.

NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DESIGN is an Institute of National Importance by NID Act 2014 and an autonomous Institute under the DIPP, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India.


Applications are invited from Form Indian and Foreign Nationals for Design Aptitude Test (DAT) for the following programmes For information on eligibility, criteria, number of seats, test for centres, reservation policy and other relevant information related to admissions. please visit

Bachelor of Design  (B.Des.-4 years) at Ahmedabad.
Master of Design (M.Des.-25 years) at Ahmedabad, Bengaluru and Gandhinagar.
GDPD (Graduate Diploma Programme in Design-4 years) at Vijayawada. NID Vijayawada is an independent autonomous institute under the DIPP, Ministry of Commerce & Industry. Government of India.
Design Aptitude Test (DAT) for B.Des. and M.Des. GDPD on Sunday, 10 January, 2016.
 The Design Aptitude Test is common for admissions to the B.Des. programme at NID Ahmedabad and the Graduate Diploma Programme in Design (GDPD) at NID Vijayawada.
Applications will be accepted online ONLY at: 

Last date for submitting applications online: Friday, 27 November, 2015.


Programme of Study - 1. Bachelor of Design

2. Master of Design

Eligibility criteria -

Bachelor of Design- All candidates applying for Bachelor of Design programmes must fulfil the following criteria:


- Upper age limit for candidates is 20 years of age (relaxable by three years for reserved category) on or before
July 1, 2016.

- General Category applicants: Candidates born on or before July 1, 1996 are not eligible.

-         Reserved Category applicants (OBC-NCL, SC, ST & PH): Candidates born on or before July 1, 1993 are not


-         Applications for Academic Year 2016-17 is open to applicants who have passed or will appear for the
     qualifying examinations under the higher secondary (10+2) from any recognized Board of Education   such as AISSCE/IB/ICSE, or equivalents, during the academic year 2015-16.

Examinations considered as equivalent to class XII are

- The final examination of the 10+2 system, conducted by a Central or State Board recognized by the Association of
   Indian Universities (

- Final examination of the two-year course of the Joint Services Wing of the National Defense Academy.

- Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Institute of Open Schooling with a minimum of
five subjects.

- Any Public School, Board or University examination in India or in a foreign country recognized as equivalent to the
10+2 system by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).
- H.S.C. vocational examination.

- General Certificate Education (GCE) examination (London, Cambridge or Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level.

- High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University or International Baccalaureate Diploma of the
International Baccalaureate Office, Geneva.

-         Candidates who have completed Class XII (or equivalent) examination outside India or from a Board not specified
-         above should produce a certificate from the Association of Indian Universities to the effect that the examination they have passed is equivalent to the Class XII examination.

Master of Design - All candidates applying for Master of Design programmes must fulfil the following criteria:


- Upper age limit for candidates is 30 years of age (relaxable by three years for reserved category) on or before July 1, 2016.

- General category applicants: Candidates born before on or before July 1, 1986 are not eligible.

- Reserved category applicants (OBC-NCL, SC, ST & PH): Candidates born on or before July 1, 1983 are not eligible.


- Applications for Academic Year 2016-17 is open to applicants who have successfully passed any one of the following
 qualifying exams in 2015:

- Bachelors degree in any discipline under the 10+2+4 (or more) system, from any university or institute recognized (by law)
 in India.

- Bachelors degree in any discipline under the 10+2+3 system, from any university or institute recognized (by law) in India,
 with a one year experience or further academic qualifications. 

- Diploma in Design under the 10+2+4 system, from any university or institute recognized (by law) in India.

Please Note: In case Degree/Certificate has been obtained from some University/Board of any other country, then the
candidate must obtain an equivalence certificate from Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi, prior to admission.

Important Dates

Application Deadline 27 November 2015
Apply Online Now - Click Here 
Click Here to Login for Printing Application Form 

How to Apply -

Step 0:
a) Read and apprise yourself with the information on eligibility criteria, number of seats, test centres, reservation policy and other relevant information related to admissions to B.Des. and M.Des. programmes at NID in the Admissions Information booklet available on the website.
b) Relevant information related to admissions to GDPD programme at NID Vijayawada is provided in the prospectus of NID Vijayawada, download from this website.
c) Please Note: The Design Aptitude Test (DAT) is common for applicants for both B.Des. (at Ahmedabad) and GDPD (at Vijayawada).

Step 1: Sign up
a) Register / signup online at by filling in the required details.
b) Please ensure that the email id and mobile number you provide should be valid for atleast one year.
c) Login to your account using the email id and date of birth provided during signup.

Step 2: Fill Application Form
a) Login and proceed to Step 2 – Application Form.
b) For applicants applying to undergraduate programmes, Please make a choice for the specific programme – (i) only B.Des. (ii) only GDPD (iii) both B.Des. and GDPD. Please note that once the payment formalities are completed, this choice cannot be altered..
c) Fill all the required details in the application form.
d) ‘Save & Exit’. You can always login at a later time and continue to complete the application process.
e) If you have your scanned photograph and signature as per the instructions, then Go to ‘Save & Proceed’ to ‘Upload Document Section’.

Step 3: Upload Photograph & Signature
a) Upload scanned photograph as per the instructions. It should be in JPEG format only not exceeding 100 kb size. Browse / choose your scanned photograph from your computer and click on ‘Upload’.
b) Upload scanned signature as per the instructions. It should be in JPEG format only not exceeding 100 kb size. Browse / choose your scanned signature from your computer and click on ‘Upload’.
c) After uploading scanned photograph and signature, Save your application OR click on ‘Save & Proceed’ to Payment section.
Step 4: Pay application fee & Print
a) Select mode of payment to pay the application fees online by Credit / Debit Card or offline by Demand Draft and submit the required details.
b) After verifying the details submitted you can proceed to make payment. c) Note: After making the payment of application fees, you will not be able modify / edit any information provided during the submission of application form.
d) After making payment successfully, you will be redirected to the Print section. You can take a print of the application form submitted for your reference or save it as PDF file.
e) If you are making payment by demand draft, you must complete the process of online submission of application form before 27 November, 2015.
f) Then, to complete the application process, you must send the demand draft and a printout of your application form in a single envelope, so as to reach the following address before 11 December, 2015
The Project Manager – CMS
All India Management Association
Management House, 14,
Institutional Area, Lodhi Road
New Delhi 110 003

Application Fees
Programme General Category OBC-NCL / SC / ST / PwD Overseas (supernumerary)
Only B.Des. Rs. 1500 Rs. 750 USD 30
Only GDPD Rs. 1500 Rs. 750 USD 30
Both B.Des. and GDPD Rs. 3000 Rs. 1500 USD 60
M.Des. One (1) discipline only Rs. 1500 Rs. 750 USD 30
M.Des. Two (2) discipline only Rs. 3000 Rs. 1500 USD 60

- The above fees are applicable to both B.Des., M.Des and GDPD applicants, belonging to either of the three genders. NOTE: As per latest order of Supreme Court of India, third gender includes only trans-genders, eunuchs and hijras. Lesbians, gays and bisexuals need to select either Male or Female option as appropriate.
- Application fee is NEITHER refundable NOR transferable.
- The Application fees paid online (by debit/credit card) DOES NOT INCLUDE any bank / transaction charges, and the same, as applicable, will be borne by the applicant.


Information Booklet 

Prospectus for NID Vijayawada

Format for SC/ST Cert. 

Format for OBC (NCL) Cert. 

Format for PWD Candidate

Admit Card

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