Applications are invited for the appointment on contract basisin for the post of Scientists in the office of the Council of Science &Technology, UP under Ihe project entitled "Patent Information Centre" funded by by Department of Science &Technology-Govt.of India
COUNCIL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, U. VIG VAN BEIAWAN 9-Nabiullah Road, Suraj Kund Park, Lucknow-226 018 Ph : 0522-2202452, 2284819 FAX : 0522-2611793 Applications in the office of the Information Centre"funded Advertisement No. 2/2015 are invited for the appointment on contract basis on following positions Council of Science &Technology, UP under Ihe project entitled "Patent by Department of Science &Technology.Govt.of India. A Post-01 Scientist-C 1. Pay Scale Rs. 15,600. Fts.39,1004 with Grade pay of Rs.6600/. Approximate Salary: Basic Pay Rs. 15600+Grade Pay (GP) 66001- + DA. + +CCAas per U.P. Gat mires. 2. Essential Qualification Master Degree in Science specifically in Physics. Chemistry / Bachelor Degree in EngineeringfTechrology first dass orequivalentgrade with four yearexperience in /Aanagement of Intellectual Property Rights. 3. Desirable Qualification 1. Doctorate in Science or Master Degree:! Engineerng. 2. PostGraduateDiploma ii Intellectual Property Rights. B Post-01 SclentIst-B 1. Pay Scale Rs.15,600- fts.39,1004 with Grade pay of Rs.54001- Approximate Salary: Basic Pay Rs. 15600 + Grade Pay (GP) 54001.. + DA + H.R.A. + CCAas per U.P. Gov'. rules. 2. Essential Qualification Master Degree in Science specifically n Physics, Chemistry / Bachelor Degree in Engineering? Technology first dass or equivalent grade with Ma year experience in Management of Intellectual Property Rights. If the Candidate is having the desirable qualification Mo years experience may beer,e0000 3. Desirable Qualification 1. Doctorate in Science or Master Degree in Engineering. 2. Post Graduate Ctloma in Intellectual Property Rights. C Post-01 Project Scientist i. Pay Scale (Rs.20,00014 p.m. for firsthvo years & Rs. 23,0000-for 3rd year) 2. Essential Qualification Ist Class Masters Degree in Soence specifically in Physics. Chemistry/ Bachelor Degree in Engineering/ Technology first dass or equivalent grade. 3. Desirable Qualification Oneyearexperience in Managementof IPR The costs are coterminous with the project i.e. upto 31.03.2017. The candidates se ected for app ointment will be required to join soon after selection. Those who have a piled before for above posts need not apply again as their candidature will be considered on their previous applications. No raa or bus fair will be paid to the candidates invited for interview. Application should be submitted within 15 days of me advertisement to the Director. COund of Science & Technology. UP.. 09 Natiullah Road. lf gyan Bhawen.ludmow 226016 accompanied by (1)Arecent Passport size photograph (2)Attested copies of at certificates and testimonials in respect of age (Age unit as per Govt. Rules), date of birth, qualifications. experience etc. (3)A crossed I.P.O. for Rs. 100/- (One hundred only) 0 favour of the Dinector, Council of Science & Technology. U.P. Lucknow. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate. DIRECTOR GENERAL
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