XLRI - Xavier School of Management believes that enduring corporate success ran only be built on a foundation of ethics and social consciousness. XLRI provides future business leaders with cutting edge business Intelligence, an environment that fosters healthy competition and the chance to leverage personel aspiretion for the greater good. PGDM(HRM) PGDM(BM) PGDM(GMP) DOCTORAL PROGRAM (FPM/EPM)

A multi-dimensional course structure, a diverse selection of Students soda collection of responsible academicians make fora compelling milieu to develop potential. 

Application through XAT-2016
XLRI - Xavier School of Management believes that enduring corporate success ran only be built on a foundation of ethics and social consciousness. XLRI provides future business leaders with cutting edge business Intelligence, an environment that fosters healthy competition and the chance to leverage personel aspiretion for the greater good. 

DOCTORAL PROGRAM (FPM/EPM) Register for XAT-2016 I www.xatonline.net.in



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