Online Ticket Booking of Taj Mahal, Agra (India)

Online Ticket Booking of Taj Mahal, Agra (India) - Book Ticket for TAJ MAHAL

Visiting Hours
Sunrise to Sunset (Friday Closed)
 Ticket Counters
  1. Western Gate near Saheli Burj. (Timing-from Sunrise to Sunset).

  2. Taj Mahal Eastern Gate at Shilpgram (about 750 meters from Eastern Gate of Taj Mahal. (Timing-from Sunrise to Sunset).

  3. Taj Mahal Southern Gate (Timing - 8:00 A.M. To 5:00 P.M.)
Entry Fee For Taj Mahal
S.No. Tourist Type Amount (Rs.) (Inclusive of ASI & ADA fees )
1. Foreign tourist
2. Citizens of SAARC and BIMSTEC Countries
3. Domestic/Indian Rs. 20/-
  1. For all the World Heritage Sites tickets are available on Ticket Counters of World Heritage Sites in India.
  2. A composite ticket of Taj Mahal (Inclusive of ASI & ADA fees) is available at all World Heritage Sites in india.
  3. No Entry fee for children below the age of 15 years. (both Domestic and Foreigner).


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